
I am an expert

and I want to help

  1. Please read the following terms of cooperation
    • All participants are acting in good faith and have to follow the fundamental ethical ethos and codes of the Professional Associations they are registered with. Each Professional must be fully qualified, at least 2 years clinical experience, and adhere to the Continual Professional Development Code of their professional associations.
    • It is at your discretion and experience to negotiate a contract with the client and set the boundaries and of the  service you will provide. As a general rule, we recommend working on weekdays and keeping the standard consultation time of 50 minutes and frequency of once a week for the general population. It is up to the contract agreement between the professional and the client if the frequency needs to increase to more than once a week, or decrease to once every two weeks.
    • This service and the database of helping experts is created for the purpose of providing support during the coronavirus epidemic crisis. Once the crisis is over, the service will be terminated and the database will be deleted.
    • As soon as you fill your capacity (you won’t be able to accept more clients) contact us at [email protected] and you will be deactivated. Follow the same procedure in case your capacity increases.
  2. If you agree to the above terms, fill out the form and you’re done

Registrace ENG
Fill the platform you will use to provide the service. (Skype, FaceTime, Signal, etc.)